New Housing

New Housing

The Lothian Valuation Joint Board is responsible for valuing your new property for Council Tax banding. We add your property to the Council Tax List, which is a record of all the domestic properties in the relevant Local Authority area.  In order for us to make the entry on the Council Tax List, please supply us with the information requested below. 


Once we have received these details we will enter your new property onto the Council Tax List and we will send you a letter letting you know what the Council Tax band for your new house will be. We will also share this information with your Local Authority who administer Council Tax charges.  Once the Local Authority have received this information they will contact you to let you know about your payments and billing.  They will be unable to bill you until we have made the entry on the Council Tax List. 


This information is also shared with the Electoral Registration Officer who will be in touch in due course to assist you with registering to vote at your new address, or please visit the Electoral Registration section of our Website for further information on how to register.

Photograph of semi-detached, red brick modern houses in a UK street. There are parking spaces outside in the foreground.

New Housing submission form

Leave this field blank
If you do not own the property, please supply the owner’s name and address
The ‘effective date’ is the date when you are entitled to occupy the property i.e. your purchase date or lease start date, which may be earlier than the date on which you moved in
Please provide details of your house type (e.g. Blair type detached villa; two bedroom first floor flat)
Please provide contact details so we can get in touch if required

We work hard to keep personal information secure and will only use the data for statutory purposes. The information may require to be released to comply with the Valuation Acts or Council Tax Acts and in connection with proposals or appeals against entries in the valuation roll or council tax valuation list.  If you wish to find out more about how we process personal information or for more information about secure data return, please visit our website at or e-mail our Data Protection Officer at or telephone 0131 344 2500