Lothian Valuation Joint Board

Electoral Registration, Valuation & Council Tax within Lothian

Electoral / Voters' Roll

The Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer is responsible for compiling and maintaining the Electoral Register, which enables eligible electors to vote at the various Elections and Referendums throughout Lothian

Valuation Roll / Business Rates

The Valuation Roll is a public document which contains an entry for every non-domestic property in the Lothian area. Each entry includes the names of proprietors and occupiers and the Rateable Value which has been set by the Assessor

Council Tax

Council Tax is payable in respect of each dwelling, dependent on the Band shown in the Valuation List. The Assessor is responsible for placing the banding on all domestic properties within the Lothian Area

News . . .

Postal Ballot Paper Re-Issue

Postal ballot packs for the UK Parliament election on Thursday 4 July 2024 are issued by the Returning Officer for each constituency. Lothian Valuation Joint Board are not able to re-issue postal ballot packs on behalf of the Returning Officer for the forthcoming UK Parliamentary election. If electors have lost

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Houses of Parliament

UK Parliamentary Election – 4 July 2024

An election is to be held to appoint a Member of the UK Parliament. Polling will take place between 7am and 10pm on Thursday 4 July 2024. Voters are legally required to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at this election. Key Dates Poll Card Issue Deadline

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welcome to our website

Annual Accounts

LVJB Annual Accounts can be viewed in our Annual Accounts section.

Council Tax Manual

We have now released our new Council Tax Manual which will provide you with a range of information in relation to all matters Council Tax.

Register to Vote

Registering to vote is only takes 5 minutes.

Click the button below to register online

Absent Voting

Want to vote by post or proxy at the next election?

Download an application from our Electoral Forms section

Valuation Roll Changes
(Business Rates)

Access our online form to provide information about changes to the ownership, letting or to outline any alterations carried out to your property