Electoral Registration
Electoral Registration
The Register of Electors (Voters’ Roll) is a list of addresses showing the names of those who are qualified to vote at various types of elections and referendums.
The Register is updated and re-published annually (usually on 1 December) following a canvass of all households. After publication, the register is updated on a monthly basis.
The law requires the Electoral Registration Officer to publish two versions of the register:
- The electoral register and
- The open register
Further information is available here
If you are not already registered to vote, or need to update your information (eg. because of a change of address or change of name), you can apply to register to vote at any time by visiting gov.uk/register-to-vote. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete an application but you will need your national insurance number and date of birth to complete it.
Alternatively you can complete an application over the phone by calling 0131 344 2500.
If preferred, a registration form can be sent to you or you can download one from this website.
The main criteria be registered to vote are:-
The application should be for the address at which you currently reside, that being your usual and permanent place of residence and not a temporary residence such as a holiday home or second home.
In Scotland, you can register to vote when you are 14. You can vote in local and Scottish Parliamentary election when you are 16. The voting age for UK Parliamentary (Westminster) elections is 18.
Persons eligible to be registered are:
- British Citizens
- Commonwealth Citizens who have leave to remain in the UK or who do not require such leave
- Citizens of The Republic Of Ireland
The citizens listed above have, subject to any other statutory restriction, full voting rights at all types of elections and referendums.
- Citizens of Other European Union Countries
- Qualifying Foreign Citizens
- A citizen that has leave to remain in the UK or who does not require such leave
These citizens are entitled to vote at Scottish Parliamentary and Local Government Elections only, although they may be included in National Referendums depending on the relevant franchise restrictions for the event.
EU citizens and qualifying foreign citizens are not eligible to vote in UK Parliamentary Elections.
Further information is available on the Electoral Commission website.
Click on the following links to the Electoral Commission website for information regarding registration and voting for –
- Armed Forces (Service Electors)
- Overseas Voters (British Citizens living overseas)
- Crown Servants
- People with no fixed address
- Anonymous Registration
Copies of registration forms for the above categories are available from our downloads section.
Each year the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) is required to conduct a canvass of all households in their area for the purpose of updating the electoral register.
The ERO is required to get in touch with every household to check that the electoral register is up to date, and to identify any residents who should be registered but are currently missing. Everyone who lives in Scotland and is 14 or over can now register to vote.
To respond please follow the instructions included in your canvass communication. You can access the online response channel here.
The 2024 canvass will take place between August and November and information provided will be used to update the register which will be published on Monday 2 December 2024.
Register To Vote
Click the button below to register online
Click the button below and follow the instructions provided
Electoral Register Display Locations
The current Electoral Register is available for public inspection at local libraries – click on the links to the relevant Council website below, for locations and opening hours.